Archive for the tag: anyone

Can anyone help me with affiliate marketing ?

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Question by Jason: Can anyone help me with affiliate marketing ?
I have looked all over the internet for information on how to really sell affiliate products. I have built a website, worked articles, worked facebook, worked twitter, and tried classifieds. Nothing seems to work at all. I can’t seem to drive traffic to any information I give out. For example I have done many reviews for many different things. I have tried building content, keywords, and plenty of graphics on my site. I would really like help from someone that has actually sold affiliate products and I’m not talking has become a millionaire I just need a way to make some extra money online. Please do not try to sell me an ebook, training program, or anything like that. I’m looking for someone that could talk to me or point me in the direction of a free information site that actually takes me step by step to make 1 sell. If I can make that one sell I will know how to do it and will be able to repeat it. So can anyone help me with affiliate marketing ?
If affiliate marketing is now dead can anyone tell me what I can do online to make money? I really need to make extra money to take care of more things at home. Please do not try to sell me an ebook, training programs, or anything like that. I know things can be done for free it just takes a little info to get moving in the correct direction.

Best answer:

Answer by Little Debi
affiliate marketing is soooo last decade

too many out there now that most just ignore them

i jumped on that bandwagon 10 years ago and got out of it fast

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Can anyone tell me some great affiliate marketing plugins for use on a WordPress based website?

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Question by Ekant: Can anyone tell me some great affiliate marketing plugins for use on a WordPress based website?
I am new to both WordPress and Affiliate Marketing, and planning to launch an affiliate marketing website. Can anyone tell me some great affiliate marketing plugins, which I can use on my website. Moreover, if you can, please tell me the best way to excel in affiliate marketing?

Best answer:

Answer by designergaurav
Affiliate marketing is a great concept to publicize products and services. However, it is not as easy as it may sound to many of us. Though I am not an expert in affiliate marketing, but yes, here is a list of best Affiliate Marketing Plugins , which I found via Google. I hope this will prove beneficial to you. Good Luck!!

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