Question by lastportagee: Where can I find information on different types of internet marketing?
I’m looking for as much information as possible on as vast a range as I can find regarding internet marketing, such as click-through campaigns and Google adwords campaigns. If anyone can direct me to the most detailed and wide-ranging websites, I’d be much obliged.

Best answer:

Answer by Tashi Khoo
You can download this FREE ebook and learn how to make money.
Please check this out if you are in internet marketing.
‘The Death of Internet Marketing’:

Have you heard of Google Adsense program?
It’s the easiest program to make money and free to sign up. You can make some legitimate money if you have a blog at of a free website like Google pages which will allow you to publish Google Adsense with no cash investment.
This is a self explained page:

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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